Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Song I'm Digging This Week
"From Western Woods to Beaversdam" - "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" soundtrack
This song makes me want to read the books and watch the movies again. They're both magical.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Focus on the mouth!
Ok, let's be real. Is there really anything funnier than Animal?
Not much, I'd say.
Song I'm Digging This Week
"Do You Sleep?" by Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories
This was the very first CD I ever got - my dad bought it for me for Christmas in 1994. I knew every word to every song. And I still do.
And I'd still kill for a pair of those glasses. So brainy cute.
Monday, June 21, 2010
...And then the bottom fell out.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Born Yesterday

Yikes. I keep saying it out loud when I'm by myself. "I am 30 years old. I am...30...years old." And no matter how I slice it, it feels weird.
However, according to my friend Lea Anne, if 40 is the new 30, then 30 is the new 20. Or maybe even 15. So I'm actually underage again. Which is cool.
I did have a fantastic birthday week, though.
I kicked it off by going to see my very favorite in the whole wide world singer, Imogen Heap (who is in her early thirties, single, and fabulous, thank you very much) with Ashleigh in Nashville. So much fun.
My sweet coworkers took me to lunch on Thursday, and even sang an almost (unintentionally) sacred hymn type setting of "Happy Birthday to You!" to me.
Lea Anne and I spent an entire day at the outdoor mall and browsed through my home-away-from-home, Anthropologie, until we'd seen every item. Then we met up with some more girls from work for dessert at The Melting Pot. (Melted chocolate? Yes, please.)
I spent Saturday, the day before my birthday, doing exactly what I wanted to do, which included a movie (by myself, with whatever candy I wanted), a couple of hours browsing Barnes and Noble, a couple of hours reading, repainting my closet doors a buttery yellow, and watching my favorite movie, "The Holiday," while eating ice cream.
On Sunday, I got asked out - not by my current crush, Cute Church Guy, but still. As Sue Sylvester would say "Not really my type, but I like that attitude."
I drove to my sister's house to hang out for a while, and then my parents came over and we went to her church, where my entire family sang some good old Southern gospel. On the way to my sister's church, Cute Church Guy called me to wish me happy birthday. Day made, thank you.
After church, my family took me out to dinner and brought out a chocolate cake (see picture above).
Along with the abundance of Facebook happy birthday wishes, I feel like a very loved girl.
And I'm ready to dive into this decade. Who knows what's in store? It's kind of exciting.
And on that note, here's my theme song for this year (and probably many to come). I first heard this song on the finale of "Felicity" (dear departed, wonderful gem of a show), and I immediately ordered the CD.
Best line (well, verse):
"I've spent a long time as myself, or the self I used to be. He was one in a long line of people imitating me...So just forget the things I used to say - chances are good that I don't feel that way anymore. It's hard to keep track, but there's no going back, since I was born yesterday..."
"Born Yesterday" by Mike Schmid
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Soooooomeday (sing that)...

And while I'm dreaming, I'd also like this bride's complexion, hair, eye color, and figure.
But seriously. Beautiful. And check out those gorgeous vintage teal shoes!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Time Machine "Glee"
Which brings me to "Glee." I really, really love this show, along with about 99% of America. I think it's because a huge part of me wishes there was a time machine that would catapult me back to high school and enable me to re-live pivotal moments. And when I did re-live those moments, I would approach them with either Sue Sylvester or Rachel Berry in mind.
Cases in point:
Super-duper crush (or SDC) isn't as into me as I'm into him.
Real Amanda circa 1998: Pines from afar. Never reveals true feelings to SDC, but writes lots of Fiona Apple-esque songs and terrible poetry equating her love for him to a dagger tattoo. Yep. A dagger. Tattoo.
Time Machine Amanda as Rachel Berry: Would sing an elaborately staged version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" at SDC. Seriously at him. As in, standing right in front of him, looking ticked off and longing, all at the same time.
Mean Girl of the Century (you know who you are) makes fun of me in front of entire class.
Real Amanda circa 1994: Loses all ability to fire back a really good comeback. Just stands open-mouthed, fists clenched, and lets MGotC continue to behave like Paris Hilton.
Time Machine Amanda as Sye Sylvester: Would get close enough to MGotC to hug her, and then whisper in her ear "I am about to vomit down your back."
I really like to sing - really love it - but am embarrassed to sing anything other than Point of Grace-type songs (in church, with sister and mother) for fear of mockery.
Real Amanda circa 1996: Finally works up courage to sing a Jewel song for contemporary music class, despite having just received an awful Celine Dion mullet haircut. Looks uncomfortable for entire song, although does manage to glance a little bit too much at SDC while singing "you were meant for me...and I was meant for yoooooou..."
Time Machine Amanda as Rachel Berry and Sue Sylvester: Would walk up to SDC and say "You sunk my battleship, _________. You sunk it hard." Would then grab SDC's hand and force him to duet with me on "Don't Stop Believing." Magical band would materialize behind us, along with professional dancers. Also, I would have gorgeous flowing locks reaching my butt, which I would swish sexily and confidently while I belted out "living just to FIND EMOTION!"
Yeah. A time machine. It could happen. We have the iPad now, after all. Time travel can't be that far away. And when it happens - I'm so, so prepared.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
If I were King of the Forest...
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Song I'm Digging This Week
"Everybody Learns from Disaster" by Dashboard Confessional
"We stayed in the sun too long...suffered a terrible burn..."
Seems appropriate for the weather here lately.