Thursday, July 1, 2010

Self Realization #2

One of the real reasons I don't volunteer for summer church mission trips?

Because they always occur outside.

Where it's hot.

And sticky.

And I hate being hot.

I know, I know. That's a terrible thing to admit. But it's the truth.

If we could get a mission trip up and head to Alaska or Antarctica, I'm so down with that.


Jane said...

You know, I've been to Alaska and you are right - that would be an awesome place for a summer mission trip.

Don't you worry one moment about your reasons for not going. I don't mind being hot, sticky, or covered in grime, but my reasons are much worse. I get tired of people...which is the whole reason for going...

I just have to serve in other ways. I think it is possible to find those other ways - and a good reason we are all so different!