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Twice this week, I've had people ask me to do them a favor (i.e. not something related to my actual job or tasks I should be doing, anyway - true favors).
Both times, I had to say "No."
Both times, I had valid reasons for why I had to say no.
And both times, they wouldn't accept it, and tried to guilt-trip me and asked me several more times.
Guess what? My answer's still "No," but this time, I'm a little ticked off, and way less likely to ever say yes the next time you need something from me.
What makes people think that after you've given your answer, just because it's contrary to what they want, they can talk you into what they want by asking you again or (in one instance) actually getting angry at your refusal? Do they think their persistence and harassment will make me magically change my mind?
"No" means no, people. "No." Means. NO.